


cultural diplomacy, public administration, public diplomacy, cultural anthropology, information and communication technology, communication strategy.


The article is devoted to cultural diplomacy, with the help of which our state will be able not only to increase the effectiveness of foreign policy, but also to raise the image of its own country; to overcome prejudice against Ukraine; to strengthen the international prestige of the state. The article highlights the problems of cultural diplomacy as a way of communication in the interests of national security of Ukraine; identified its priorities that are of strategic importance for the national security of the state, the promotion of its interests in the world, socio-cultural development of Ukraine; steps are proposed to optimize the functioning of cultural diplomacy policy. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience was defined a concept of «public diplomacy», researched a correlation between public diplomacy and other trends of Communications, and the best application practices of new information and communication technology «public diplomacy» as a mechanism for implementation of communication strategies. The work is based on an understanding of two important tasks of cultural diplomacy. On the outside – ensuring the image of the state and the success of its international policy, and on the inside – changing the paradigm of culture and reforming cultural policy, which depends on the content and quality of cultural products. Therefore, the study focuses on both the foreign policy dimension of cultural diplomacy policy and the problem of creating unique cultural content for the presentation of the country abroad and communication. The Ukrainian cultural community needs to create its own cultural narrative for «transmission» in the global space, a narrative that will be perceived by different audiences. Working on this, it is important to voice the most relevant messages for Ukraine, given the importance of the ideas of information responsibility, patriotism, civic solidarity, tolerance, volunteerism. It is they who must influence the renewed image of Ukraine. This, in turn, will affect the identity of the next generation of Ukrainians: it will be transformed towards openness, mobility and dynamism. Cultural diplomacy as an instrument of «soft power» is recognized as an increasingly important area of public policy in connection with the need to promptly address issues of national security, a positive international image, the establishment of global communications. Institutionalization of cultural diplomacy is a condition for the formation of cultural diplomacy policy as a systemic and purposeful activity, which, on the one hand, will affect national security and international image, and on the other – will open prospects for socio-cultural and economic development, have a positive impact on domestic political stability, ability to see and plan for the future.


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How to Cite

Браніцька, Т. Р., Кащенко, Н. В., & Кухар, І. Г. (2021). CULTURAL DIPLOMACY AS A WAY OF COMMUNICATION IN THE INTERESTS OF UKRAINIAN NATIONAL SECURITY. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (4(16), 167-178.

