criminal identity, biological factor of crime, chromosomal abnormalities, gene mutations, delinquent behavior.Abstract
The development of medicine, biology, chemistry and technology over the past two centuries has led to a major breakthrough in the fi eld of knowledge of the environment and the structure of the human body. Scientifi c research in anatomy and physiology has become the basis for the development and conduct of research in various spheres of human life, in particular, in criminology. The development of social and legal states in the world implies the need to ensure the stability of the country, protect the rights and interests of the state and society, respect for the fundamental freedoms of each individual, which is directly related to measures to prevent and combat crime. Crime is one of the biggest problems in the world, which led in the XIX century to the emergence and development of an independent branch of science – criminology. In order to effectively combat such a negative phenomenon as crime, it is important to study its factors. In science, there are two opposing views on the fundamental determinants of crime – the biological and social concept. Proponents of the social factor noted that the problems of crime will be manifested in economic and political inequality of people in society and denied the concept of «born criminal». The article is devoted to the study of the biological concept to explain criminal behavior, the need to isolate the biological factor as a separate determinant of crime. The authors study the existing scientifi c developments in the fi eld of the human genome and analyze the infl uence of genotype on the formation of antisocial behavior of the individual. Within this topic, various approaches and results of research by scientists on the patterns of transmission of genotype mutations and the impact of this phenomenon on the behavior of these individuals were considered.
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