public administration, mechanisms of public administration, human factor, human security, human security management.Abstract
The scientifi c article is devoted to the complex research and defi nition of the human factor in the system of public management of human security through the prism of the theoretical and conceptual aspect. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in the context of globalization there is an active process of transformation and reform of traditional and well-established principles of statehood, which allows to capture the phenomena that indicate the crisis of the state and public administration. This is due to the fact that the unifi cation of some aspects of public life (legal, political, economic, etc.) inevitably entails a change in others (cultural and anthropological). Therefore, the development and separation of the anthropological concept of public administration, which affi rms the invariant principles of consolidation and solidarity of the state, man and society, is especially important, because it is not only heuristic in terms of fi nding a balance between global and regional in future anthropological problems. formats of the state, but also appears as a fundamental aspect in the context of the formation of mechanisms for public management of personal security. It concluded that in modern conditions of political and civilizational globalization, which is manifested in a specifi c combination of integration and disintegration processes and forces: the faster and more inevitable process of unifi cation and corporatization of political, legal, fi nancial and economic systems, the deeper intercivilizational, the issue of formation of the human factor in the system of public administration is of particular importance. In light of the search for new models of consolidation of the modern state (in particular on the basis of solidarity), it is advisable to develop a prognostic concept of anthropology of public administration, taking into account the properties and characteristics of both ethnic groups and individuals. conservatism and cultural and civilizational identity, which will combine both modern traditions and technologies of existence, and historical national experience.
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