
  • Наnna Oleksandrivna Kurtakova



state, social partnership, trade unions, employers, collective agreement.


Abstract. The crisis state of the economy exacerbated the need of society to achieve a social balance between employees, owners (employers) and the state. World experience convincingly proves that the problems of the economy and social life, including in the field of employment, are optimally solved if the focus is not on confrontation, but on the achievement of social harmony, coordination of the interests of different social groups. The core of social partnership is the principle of cooperation between employers and employees, which is implemented through negotiations, conclusion of collective agreements and collective agreements, coordination of projects of regulatory and legal acts, consultations during decision-making by social partners at all levels. Social partnership is based on collective relations between social partners with the participation of labor collectives in establishing working conditions; in the management of the organizations where they work; regarding the conclusion and implementation of collective agreements and collective agreements at the sectoral, regional, and national levels; regarding the activity of trade unions and other representative bodies of the labor collective in social and labor relations; regarding the formation and activity of employers’ associations; in the resolution of individual and collective labor disputes. The sphere of social partnership includes: reaching a consensus on issues of ensuring employment, creating additional jobs, organizing paid public works, protecting the population from unemployment; the use of hired labor in compliance with safety techniques, requirements for health protection of employees in the work process, payment of labor and provision of reproductive and stimulating functions of wages; ensuring a normal regime of work and rest; ensuring the right of employees to participate in the management of the work process at the enterprise, in the distribution of profits to ensure the social activities of the enterprise, in determining social standards and establishing their minimum limits, in establishing the procedure for conducting collective negotiations, resolving collective labor disputes, etc.


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How to Cite

Куртакова, Г. О. (2023). THE STATE AS A SUBJECT OF SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (6(24), 28-37.