economic diplomacy, national security, foreign economic security, public administration, full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, hybrid war.Abstract
Abstract. The article examines the essence, goals and tasks of economic diplomacy in the context of the realization of Ukraine’s national interests. In particular, the Strategy of Foreign Policy of Ukraine states that the diplomatic service will intensify work to build a peaceful, safe and successful Ukraine, which occupies a worthy place among European democracies. It has been established that a sufficient number of works of domestic scientists are devoted to the issue of economic diplomacy, which testifies to its special role in achieving national goals. At the same time, there is currently no unity of views on the essence of economic diplomacy, which allows it to be interpreted quite diversely. It was found that the main tasks of economic diplomacy are: promotion of trade and investments; improving the functioning of markets; reduction of costs and risks of crossborder transactions; introduction of international standards; ensuring state and private property rights; development of international telecommunications, energy and transport systems; creation of an appropriate political climate. It was revealed that the use of economic diplomacy methods contributed to the emergence and conduct of so-called hybrid wars. At the same time, Ukraine has completely different conditions under which the resolution of a real war against our state led to the intensification of activities and the use of various tools of economic diplomacy in the arena of non-combat operations. It was concluded that in the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion of the territory of Ukraine, the methods and tools of economic diplomacy became one of the important tools of the fight against the aggressor country. Ukraine, together with other countries of the world, developed several packages of sanctions, resumed the export of goods from the ports and territory of Ukraine, and continue to work on the realization of national interests in all areas of life of our state.
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