forensic linguistic examination, authorship studies, semantic-textual research, expert linguist, speech crimesAbstract
Throughout the second decade of the twenty-first century and to this day, international cooperation between forensic science institutions in Ukraine has been an important component of communication between researchers from around the world. Such cooperation takes place not only on the initiative of experts, but is also encouraged at the legislative level. This is done to promote the development of unified approaches to expert research, an important place among which, in particular, is forensic linguistics. Of course, every nation (and, accordingly, many countries) has its own language, with its own specific features and structural and semantic peculiarities. However, the list of people’s speech activities that underlie various speech crimes is practically the same everywhere. In order to identify signs of such crimes and assist pre-trial investigation and court authorities, forensic linguistic expertise was created (or linguists were involved) in different countries of the world. In order to find ways to improve the national forensic activity and open up new potential areas of research, the authors of the article review the peculiarities of the development and functioning of forensic linguistic expertise in Ukraine, Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States. The authors provide a list of the main issues addressed by linguistic experts in these countries. A comparative analysis of expert tasks is made and the problematic aspects that arise for experts in the course of author studies and semantic and textual research are indicated. On the basis of these comparisons, the prospects for the development of new linguistic methods and research areas in Ukraine are determined. Attention is focused on the need to deepen cooperation between linguistic experts from different countries.
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