forensic handwriting examination, electronic document, electronic document details, installationAbstract
The publication is devoted to the study of the problem of forensic handwriting examination during identification research of handwriting and signatures in electronic documents. The rapid development of science and technology, the improvement of forms and methods of criminal activity require a forensic expert to constantly improve his or her knowledge of the possibilities of examining evidence with the help of special knowledge. According to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, this knowledge can be obtained in two ways: with the help of a specialist and by conducting a forensic examination. The article outlines the concept of the subject matter of forensic handwriting and also indicates what can be the object of handwriting examination. The tasks of a forensic handwriting examination and their purpose are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the list of questions that may be raised for the purpose of forensic handwriting examination. It is christened to understand the montage of the image, which cannot be seen from the viewpoint of the nature of the digital image. The concept of image editing is outlined, which cannot be considered in isolation from the nature of the digital image. The article analyzes the legislative framework in the field of electronic document management and trends in technical development in the field of creation and transmission of electronic documents. The author analyzes certain mechanisms of electronic documents application, in particular, their use in tender procurement and exchange between government agencies, enterprises, institutions and organizations. On the basis of practical research, the author finds out the problems in identifying the details of documents in electronic form. The article examines the national legal acts regulating the usage of the term “electronic document”; the peculiarities of its comprehensive study within the framework of integrated handwriting, computertechnical and photographic examinations. The author draws conclusions about the prospects for researching electronic documents within the framework of handwriting examinations, namely, about changing the approaches to conducting examinations by expanding the range of research objects and combining new research methods.
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