


jury trial, justice, judicial reform, jurors, criminal proceedings, judiciary, legal system, judicial power


The scientific article establishes that the institution of jury in Ukraine is in the stage of transformation and requires significant reform in accordance with international standards of justice. The main challenges facing the functioning of jury trials in Ukraine have been investigated, including: imperfections in the procedure for forming jury lists, low level of legal culture and consciousness of citizens, lack of proper mechanism for material support of jurors, and organizational problems in forming jury compositions. It is substantiated that the effective functioning of the jury institution requires a systematic approach to its reform, including improvement of the legislative framework, introduction of educational programs for jurors, creation of a unified electronic system for forming jury lists, and development of mechanisms for protecting the rights and guarantees of jury activities. The necessity of expanding the categories of cases considered with jury participation and introducing the classical model of jury trial has been established. It was concluded that the reform of the jury institution should take place taking into account international experience, especially the practices of the USA and Great Britain, where this institution functions most effectively, and the national peculiarities of the Ukrainian legal system. It was determined that the key areas of reform should be: improving the jury selection procedure through the creation of a unified electronic system for forming lists and establishing clear selection criteria; increasing their level of legal education through the introduction of special training programs and workshops; strengthening guarantees of independence through the establishment of additional mechanisms of protection against illegal influence and pressure; ensuring proper material and technical support for their activities, including adequate remuneration and compensation for expenses related to performing jury duties; creating an effective mechanism for interaction between jurors and professional judges, which provides for a clear distribution of powers and an established system of communication. Such comprehensive reform will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of jury trials as an important institution of democratic society and ensure its compliance with international standards of justice administration.


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How to Cite

Богданов, Є. А. (2024). INSTITUTE OF JURY IN UKRAINE: CURRENT CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS FOR REFORM. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (4(32), 13-18.