investigative actions, inspection of the scene, tactical techniques, terrorism, counter-terrorism, investigative task force, terrorist actAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the tactics of conducting a crime scene examination after a terrorist act, to identify the main stages and principles of this work and to find out how to ensure maximum efficiency of this process. After all, examination of the scene is one of the most important stages in the investigation of this type of offense. Therefore, the correct tactics of its conduct are the basis for effective investigation of terrorist acts. Today, terrorism is one of the most pressing and complex issues facing the modern world. Terrorist acts have a devastating impact not only on the security and stability of states, but also on the moral and psychological state of every member of society, undermine trust in government institutions and increase the level of tension on a global scale. Investigating terrorist acts is one of the most complex and important components of the fight against terrorism. After a terrorist attack, it will be necessary not only to identify and detain the perpetrators, but also to eliminate the causes that led to the attack in order to further prevent new crimes and protect public safety. The research article highlights various aspects of conducting a crime scene investigation, namely, the specifics of the work of specialists from various fields that must be involved for a high-quality and detailed examination. The author also discusses tactical methods of investigative actions, ethical and legal issues that arise during the investigation, and coordination between different services. Research methods: in the course of the work, general scientific methods were used, namely: the method of observation, the method of comparison, the method of description, with the help of which the research material was fixed and transmitted. Special legal method – legal assessment of veils, identification of trends and patterns of legal practice. Results. This article focuses on clarifying the concept of terrorism as one of the most pressing problems of our time, as well as countering this negative offense in the world. The author analyzes the international means and institutions of combating terrorism with a view to creating a general system of countering terrorism. The tactics of conducting certain investigative actions, namely, inspection of the scene of a terrorist act, are considered. Discussion. The author analyzes the difficulties of conducting a crime scene investigation after a terrorist act, as it is a complex and multifaceted process that requires high professional training, careful planning and coordination between different services. On the one hand, it is necessary to collect all possible evidence for the investigation, and on the other hand, to ensure the safety of victims, rescuers and law enforcement officers working at the scene.
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Кримінальний процесуальний кодекс України від 01.11.2024 р. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/