French Republic, constitution, transformation, provisions, constitutional reform of 2008.Abstract
The amendments to the provisions of the French Constitution concerning the branches of government, the President of the Republic, administrative-territorial entities, the interaction of public authorities of France with the institutions of the European Union are analyzed. Both restrictions and expansion of the powers of the President, expansion of the powers of the Parliament, further settlement of its relations with the Government have been established. Parliament is given the right to adopt resolutions, discuss bills and legislative proposals on the texts of chambers, form the agenda of their sittings, control the activities of the Government and specify the role of the Accounting Chamber, determine the procedure for approving resolutions condemning the activities of the Government. on a specific topic. Requirements for the formation of the Constitutional Council and its members have been increased, its role in monitoring the correctness of all referendum measures on revision of the Constitution, ratification of the treaty on accession of any state to the European Union, etc., in exercising preliminary control over acts that have not yet entered into force , she is given the right in case of human rights violations to make a decision in her defense. The structure of the High Council of Magistracy has been changed (it includes one panel authorized for judges and another panel authorized for prosecutors), its composition has been increased, the procedure of its activity has been modernized, participants in court proceedings have been given the opportunity to apply directly to the High Council Of the High Chamber of Justice, types of criminal liability of members of the Government, reason and procedure for removal of the President from office, the powers of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council were expanded, the position of a human rights defender was established, certain powers and functions were defined, the powers of administrative-territorial entities were modernized, the powers of the French authorities to interact with EU institutions were partially changed. related to the principle of subsidiarity and its observance under the Lisbon Treaty of 2007.
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