Information Technology and Society is a peer-reviewed scientific edition, which publishes materials of scientists of various levels in the form of scientific articles for the purpose of their dissemination both among domestic researchers and abroad.
Founder: Interregional Academy of Personnel Management.
Founded: 2021.
Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1173 as of 11.04.2024.
ISSN: 2786-5460 (print), 2786-5479 (online).
Category "B": according to the Decree of MES No. 1290 (Annex 3) dated November 30, 2021, the journal was included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine.
Branch of science: information technologies.
Specialties: 121 – Software engineering; 122 – Computer sciences; 123 – Computer engineering; 124 – Systems analysis; 125 – Cybersecurity; 126 – Information systems and technologies.
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English, German, French, and Polish.
Periodicity: 4 times a year.
The journal represents research by scientists working on current scientific issues of information technologies. It is aimed at scientists, lecturers, students, as well as all those who are interested in the development of science in Ukraine.
The purpose of the journal is to promote the development of the scientific potential of IAPM and all the participants who are interested in scientific research in information technologies, to expand the space of public science communication and fill the scientific debate on the scientific directions of IAMP with quality sense in the context of world science, to inform the wider scientific community about new results of research and to ensure their official recognition, integration of domestic scientific debate into the global research area. It also promotes the release of empirical and theoretical scientific research dealing with software engineering, computer engineering and other topical issues of computer science, as well as systems analysis, cybersecurity and information systems. The purpose ensures the coordination of basic and applied research of different specialists in information technologies and promotes updating of research projects.
The mission of the journal is to boost information technologies, creation of high quality space public communication scientists and high-quality report results their activities for domestic and international scientific communities; publication the main ones scientific results theses the applicants scientific degrees and more than once contenders for assignment scientists ranks for official recognition publications; publication results of scientific researches to take into account when assessing results scientific activities establishments higher education, scientific institutions as well scientific and scientific and pedagogical workers and for them attestation, when evaluating projects scientific research Works submitted to the competition for funding for the state or local budgets.
The journal is included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (Republic of Poland).