artificial intelligence, healthcare industry, machine learning, deep learning, truth medicine, evidence-based medicine, healthcare transformationAbstract
The fourth industrial revolution and the processes associated with this social phenomenon affect almost all areas and it can be argued that there is no chance of not being involved in any field of human activity. the current state of innovator systems in the world medical industry, existing introductions, problems of promotion of innovations and their possible further development are analyzed. The article is aimed at studying the problem of deploying artificial intelligence in the field of healthcare and existing trends in application; assessing the specifics of the use of AI in clinical conditions and assessing successful cases and prospects of innovative projects for the implementation and obtaining positive results in the medical field; determining promising areas for the development of AI in the field of healthcare. The implementation of this goal involves solving a number of problem, such as: 1) revealing the essence and prospects for the introduction of AI technology in medicine; 2) analysis of the state of AI development in the medical field; 3) research of the specifics of the assessment of the impact of AI on the results of medical processes. Scientific novelty. In the article, the development of modern technologies in medicine with the use of Artificial Intelligence is considered as a complex technological, organizational and medical problem that requires the efforts of various categories of specialists: engineers, data analysts, administrators, medical workers of different levels and specializations. Solving these problems is comprehensive and provides significant benefits in the updated treatment process and improving its results. Much attention is paid to the analysis of current state in AI based on data in the field of health care and is evaluated in the field of artificial intelligence in healthcare. As a conclusion, the article notes that the latest technologies will allow a new way to recognize healthcare as a data-driven industry, as a result, the benefits of artificial intelligence will be used – its ability to constantly improve with more and more data. These advances open up modern medicine as medicine in truth or evidence-based medicine.
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