image visualization, multidimensional data arrays, software, automation, flat isothermsAbstract
The article is devoted to the solution of an important scientific and practical problem of development of the methodological basis for work with multidimensional data of experimental data at the machine – building enterprise. The purpose of the work – modeling the process with the choice of tools for visualization of images of the distribution of temperature fields in bench tests of gas turbine combustion chambers with the construction of graphical models using new specialized software. Research methods. The research is performed using modern developments in the field of computer algebra, theoretical and methodological principles of geometric modeling of numerical series and the authors’ own work. Scientific novelty. To process the results of bench tests of gas turbine combustion chambers for the first time has been developed a method of image visualization, which in contrast to the existing methods is based on the principles of algorithmic automation of flat isotherms with the choice of the best design solution. Conclusions. The conditions of bench tests of gas turbine combustion chambers have been analyzed, on the basis of which the algorithm of processing the results of experimental researches has been made, and it laid the foundation for the software development. The geometrical interpretation of the mathematical model of the distribution of temperature fields has been developed; for that purpose an elementary commissure has seen selected from an array of data. The physical meaning of the model is that in order to exclude random variables from the control system, temperatures are mediated over a certain time interval. The model was tested to visualize the distribution of temperature fields at the outlet of the combustion chamber fire tubes. The software is written in the Common Lisp, to display the results of calculations a graphical program Gnuplot with console control has been used; graphical results have the form of flat isotherms. Prospects for further research are related to the development of a software application interface for automated systems. The obtained results are aimed at improving the scientific level of engineering and design activities at the machine-building enterprise.
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