



aortic coarctation, aortic arch hypoplasia, prognosis, echocardiography, ultrasound


This article is devoted to the issue of cardiac pathologies that kill thousands of newborns every day. Aortic coarctation and aortic arch hypoplasia are among the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system and occur in every second in six per thousand births, accounting for 4–8 % of all cardiovascular disease, and is the fourth most common, which is a terrible figure., because the mortality rate of these diseases reaches more than 90 %. Today, doctors everywhere are trying to reduce these scary numbers by choosing the ideal method for surgery, however, in order to achieve this goal, doctors certainly need software that will help them monitor the positive or negative dynamics after surgery with the help of predicted ultrasound indicators. The aim of the article is to create a software application with a user-friendly interface and rich functionality to assess the state of patients in the dynamics, which will be convenient and useful for doctors. The realization of this goal involves the use of the methodology of the method of group accounting arguments to build models that will be used to predict, and programming languages R, namely, the Shiny framework for implementing the software application and using the resulting models. Scientific novelty. At the moment there are no existing analogues of this software application with the function of forecasting and monitoring progress in dynamics. Conclusions. With the help of clinical data provided by the “Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery” models for ultrasound prediction were built and a software application was implemented with which the doctor can monitor patient records in a convenient tabular form, edit clinical data, send letters to the patient, and predict parameters in the remote period, which greatly simplifies data handling and improves communication between the patient and the doctor.


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How to Cite

КАЛІНОВСЬКА, Б., НОСОВЕЦЬ, О., & ДОБРОВСЬКА, Л. (2022). ПРОГРАМНИЙ ЗАСТОСУНОК ДЛЯ ОЦІНКИ КАРДІОЛОГІЧНИХ ПАТОЛОГІЙ ПІСЛЯ ОПЕРАТИВНИХ ВТРУЧАНЬ. Information Technology and Society, (2 (4), 42-48. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.it.2022.2.6