consumer behavior, social engineering, web form, automated system, rational consumptionAbstract
In the article the research of influence of consumer behavior on formation and filling of information components of the automated product quality monitoring system. The developed system allows to prevent food losses at all stages of its life cycle. The system contains software hardware and information components that ensure its operation. The information component is created by generating databases that are related to the software, as well as obtained from consumers, filling out web forms or through a mobile app. The social aspect of the system is taken into account in the region, because without it it cannot be considered a full-fledged system. In turn, the decision of the consumer to participate in this system depends on the type of consumer behavior. For a deeper understanding of the social component of the developed system, the author explored the concept of “consumer behaviour” and considered the possibility of its adjustment. The paper describes the formation of consumer behavior in terms of psychology and economics. The stages of information processing for William McGeer’s model are described. The possibility of correcting consumer behavior to encourage participation in the system of collecting information using social engineering methods is considered. The phases of consumer choice in which it is possible to adjust consumer behavior are described. The author has developed and recommended the use of strategies for the correction of consumer behavior within the developed concept of smart packaging. Strategies for motivating consumers to participate in the information system of data collection and the formation of appropriate databases have been developed. The author considers the important impact on rational and irrational behavior, as well as describes the impact on consumer behavior.
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