educational program, software engineering, data analysis, quality of education, educational componentsAbstract
The subject of the article is to determine the information and methodological approach to improving the educational process in the field of software engineering. Consideration of the general problem shows that despite some interest of researchers, today the issue of improving educational processes remains important and unresolved, especially with regard to approaches to evaluating educational programs. The purpose of the work is methodological and informational focus on solving the current problem of improving the quality of education in software engineering in the new reality. The article solves the following tasks: to analyze the educational programs in the discipline of “Software Engineering”, implemented in the leading technical universities of the country, to consider the results of the analysis in terms of finding ways to improve educational programs. The methodological basis of the study is the provisions of international guidelines on body of knowledge of computer science and software engineering, including the paradigm of Global Computing Education, which corresponds to the latest release of the Computing Curricula CC2020, as well as comparative analysis methods. A comparison of thirty educational programs of the first level education (bachelor), which adopted in the advanced technical universities of Ukraine, in particular on the composition of compulsory educational components of the professional cycle. The main indicators are the number of each component in the sample of educational programs and components compliance with software engineering professional practice. To identify components with a high level of congruence, a “magic quadrant” was built on the model of Gartner. An analysis of the covariance of sample variables found that the relationship between traits could be defined as moderate. This effect is illustrated by the given diagrams. Scientific novelty is to define one of the approaches to expert analysis of statistical data in order to find new knowledge to improve educational programs. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the developed approach allows for continuous monitoring of educational programs in order to assess their relative compliance with current trends and generate possible solutions for improving programs.
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