unit cell model, Common Lisp, information technology, software, case method, power engineeringAbstract
The article is devoted to the solution of an important scientific and technical problem of creating new visualization models of calculated and experimental data for power engineering. The purpose of the work will be the development of a scientific and methodological basis with software for visualization of temperature measurements during tests of gas turbine combustion chambers and its adaptation for setting and solving situational tasks in the educational process of higher education. Research methods. The geometric interpretation of the formation of the data array is based on the elementary cell model; the algorithm for constructing a two-dimensional surface of the distribution of temperature fields with a smoothing effect was made by the Gaussian method. Software in the Common Lisp language was developed to implement the algorithm; the information system project is presented in the form of a set of graphs; calculation results are displayed using the Gnuplot graphic program. Using the method of SWOT analysis, the expediency of using development in the educational process of students with the use of case methodology was investigated. The scientific value of the obtained results lies in the development of a scientific and methodological basis for the algorithmic automation of visualization of the results of bench tests of gas turbine combustion chambers. The research results have been implemented in production and are planned to be used in scientific research and the educational process. Conclusions. For power engineering, the current state of experimental results processing with data visualization was analyzed; the need to develop software using an environment accessible to a circle of design engineers is determined. The developed software implements the functions of data sampling, averaging, filtering out invalid values, restoring values at isolated points with the construction of Gaussian averaging functions and the possibility of manual data correction. The information system project contains a set of graphs: oriented System-graph describes the dependence of the temperature field system on its component systems. The possibility of applying a real practical situation at a machine-building enterprise and in case technologies of the educational process is considered.
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