support of an introductory campaign, structural-functional modeling, IDEF0, higher education institution, admissions committee, information systemAbstract
The organization of support for admission to higher education institutions is analyzed in the article. Since admission of entrants is a key stage for any higher education institution, there is a need to ensure a qualitative and effective introductory campaign to select the best students. The study highlights the processes that are necessary for preparation, implementation of an introductory campaign and analysis of the results of the admission to study. The need for support modeling with the help of CASE technologies is justified. The purpose of the article is to build a structural and functional model of support for an introductory campaign of a higher education institution to detail the processes from the point of view of the developer of the information system of the admissions committee. The study uses the IDEF0 functional modeling methodology to model business processes. A functional approach is applied to determine the objects of support of the introductory campaign and to clarify the connections between them. Scientific novelty. In the article, a model of the process «Support for an introductory campaign of a higher education institution» was built, the model was decomposed in the IDEF0 notation. Conclusions. The use of IDEF0 for modeling the support of an introductory campaign made it possible to display the structural relationships between processes and objects. Processes, input, output, control and mechanism arrows are detailed and described. The components of an introductory campaign support are defined: analysis of the previous year's introductory campaign, preparation for admission to a higher education institution, conduct of an introductory campaign, completion of an introductory campaign. Presented node tree model reveals the components of the second level decomposition. The designed model, which covers all the components of an introductory campaign support, can be used in the development or modification of information systems or modules for automating the work of the admissions committee.
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