intelligent decision-making systems, information infrastructure, educational institutions, technologies, management, OLAP, Data MiningAbstract
The digital society, as a new stage of civilization development, is characterized by the growing importance of information technology in all spheres of life, including education. The article sheds light on solving the issues of development of modern information technology in the learning system. Intellectual analysis of student performance at all stages of education plays a major role in finding solutions in completely different directions – from supporting the resolution of issues related to an individual student to adjusting educational trajectories and, accordingly, to a radical change in the curriculum, as well as in shaping the resource potential of educational institutions of different levels. The purpose of the study is to create a prototype of a simple and accessible information and analytical decision support system based on student performance for educational institutions of all levels. Through the use of general scientific methods of cognition – analysis, synthesis, comparison, the study solved a number of tasks. The article analyzes the experience of using various blocks of intelligent decision-making systems based on information technology, considers OLAP and Data Mining data processing technologies, and outlines the conceptual foundations of the model of functioning of an information and analytical system in a higher education institution based on student performance at the theoretical and hardware levels. The obtained results of the study can be further improved and implemented by IT specialists in practice not only within higher education institutions, but also within educational institutions of other levels, which are currently unable to use existing expensive systems, bringing the national education system closer to the current standards of the EU educational space.
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