chatbots, educational process, universities, optimization, personalized assistanceAbstract
With the advent of technology, educational institutions are constantly looking for innovative ways to improve the learning experience for students. Chatbots have become a valuable tool for optimizing the educational process in universities, providing personalized assistance, quick responses to queries and seamless communication between students and teachers. Optimizing the educational process of the university with the help of a chatbot can greatly facilitate communication between students and teachers, as well as facilitate quick access to the necessary information. The chatbot can help students get answers to questions about the educational process, materials for preparing for tests and exams, and also provide general advice on studying. In addition, with the help of analytics, it is possible to identify weak points in the educational process and improve it. This analytics is possible through the use of external integrations with tools such as: Power BI, Tableau or Qlik Sense. Adding a chatbot to the university education system can improve the availability of information for students, promote their active participation in the educational process, and help solve possible problems quickly and efficiently. For example, a chatbot can answer questions about completing tasks, help with difficulties with educational material, or even conduct online consultations with teachers. Conclusions. A chatbot can become a student's digital assistant who is always ready to provide the necessary information and support. This will help to improve the quality of education, increase the motivation of students and increase the level of knowledge.
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