machine translation, software development, user interface, Google TranslateAbstract
Numerous daily activities are long since accomplished using mobile applications and international resources available through the Internet. This raises the issue of the need for end users to know the languages required to operate and use these programs. Not every developer in the world has access to professional translation services, or the ability to create such translations on their own. An important and usually determining factor is the cost of translation software. Large professionally-targeted software packages have license fees measured in hundreds of US dollars. Also, the majority of existing solutions are meant for various kinds of general freeform text. An alternative approach would be hiring teams of translators, but this needs accounting for the extra time and size of translation, as well as limited availability of translators for the lesser known world languages. Evaluating these factors shows an existing need of a convenient and accessible program specialized in creating and ensuring quality translation of software user interfaces specifically. Analysis leads to confirmed requirements for the program, those being a comfortable user interface and a set of functions specific to working with user interfaces and source code files. The purpose of this work is to develop software that meets the functionality requirements for automated user interface translation. Methodology. Software is developed using the C# language and Microsoft Visual Studio environment. The program’s interface was designed according to needs of software developers. Scientific novelty. Determine ways and approaches to improve existing methods and tools, and the development of software to provide a new tool for translation. This work describes the development of such software tool for Microsoft Windows that implements every listed requirement for base functionality. The program is specialized for translation of user interfaces and enables automation of the process. The process of providing user interface translation for software created by small teams of developers were optimized and simplified via a full link to existing source code regardless of programming language used. Conclusions. The developed program can be used to create and translate user interfaces. Machine translation functionality requires possession of a personal key to utilize Google Translate API.
Міщенко А. Л. Лінгвістика фахових мов та сучасна модель науково-технічного перекладу : монографія. Вінниця : Нова Книга, 2013. 448 с
Hany Hassan, Anthony Aue, Chang Chen, Vishal Chowdhary, Jonathan Clark, Christian Federmann, Xuedong Huang, et al. Achieving Human Parity on Automatic Chinese to English News Translation. arXiv:1803.05567 [cs.CL] URL: (дата звернення: 30.03.2024).
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How Many People Have Smartphones Worldwide. URL: (дата звернення: 30.03.2024).
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Purchase Poedit Pro – Poedit. URL: (дата звернення: 03.04.2024).