computational technologies, process optimization, quantum algorithms, high-performance systems, technical innovationsAbstract
The study establishes that quantum computing represents a significant advancement in modern science, providing new opportunities to solve problems that are unattainable for classical computing systems. The relevance of this research stems from the rapid development of quantum technologies, which hold the potential to revolutionize fields such as finance, chemistry, materials science, and cryptography. It has been revealed that quantum computers significantly enhance the efficiency of optimization processes, large-scale data analysis, and complex system modeling, which is critically important in the current era of rapidly growing information volumes. The purpose of the article is to study the effectiveness of quantum computing in solving complex problems, analyze the main problems of its implementation, and develop recommendations for integrating these technologies into high-performance computing infrastructures. Methodology. The study analyzes the key principles of quantum computing, including superposition, quantum entanglement, and interference, while assessing the potential of quantum algorithms such as Shor’s and Grover’s. A comparative analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of quantum computer implementation across various fields, such as finance, chemistry, materials science, and cryptography, has been conducted. A systematic analytical approach has been employed to identify challenges and potential applications of quantum computing technologies. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive analysis of the applied aspects of quantum computing, the identification of major technical and infrastructural challenges in its implementation, and the development of recommendations for integrating quantum technologies into modern computing systems. Prospects for the use of quantum algorithms in emerging areas such as medical diagnostics, climate change forecasting, and intelligent management systems have also been identified. Conclusion. The study concludes that quantum computing has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of solving complex problems, however its large-scale implementation is constrained by technical and infrastructural challenges. Recommendations include improving hardware, developing new error-correction algorithms, creating standards for integrating quantum and classical systems, and advancing cloud-based services to make quantum computing more accessible. Prospects for further research include expanding the scope of quantum technologies and preparing specialists capable of working with these innovative systems.
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