



data protection, optimization, preventive strategies, reactive strategies, cybersecurity, security policies


The article examines key aspects of optimizing data protection in the face of ever-increasing cyber threats. The authors identify two main categories of strategies: preventive, which are aimed at preventing incidents, and reactive, which focus on responding to threats that have already occurred. The purpose of the work is to study the main approaches to ensuring data security in modern information systems. The article considers effective preventive strategies to prevent leaks or unauthorized access to information, as well as reactive strategies to restore systems and minimize the consequences of cyber incidents. Methodology. Review of scientific publications related to data protection strategies. Study of regulatory documents on information protection. This will allow to establish the current state of the problem and determine the most effective preventive and reactive protection methods. Analysis of preventive strategies using the method of comparing different approaches to data protection. Evaluation of reactive protection strategies such as, incident recovery, attack monitoring and incident response. Scientific novelty. Development of a methodology for optimizing costs for cybersecurity measures. This allows determining the optimal balance between proactive and reactive security measures. Introduction of a comprehensive assessment that takes into account not only the costs of implementing technologies, but also the economic effect of reducing security risk and rapid recovery after attacks. Conclusions. The study's findings highlight the importance of a comprehensive approach to data protection that combines preventive and reactive measures, ensuring a more robust level of information security, as well as reducing risks in a rapidly changing cyberspace. This may be useful for professionals in the fields of information technology, data security, and strategic management.


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How to Cite

ВАВРИК, Т., & ГОБИР, Л. (2024). OPTIMIZING DATA PROTECTION: PREVENTIVE AND REACTIVE STRATEGIES. Information Technology and Society, (4 (15), 21-25. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.it.2024.4.3