information technology, war, armyAbstract
The article examines the issue of the role of information technologies in modern Ukrainian military affairs. The purpose of the work is to analyze how information technologies affect the effectiveness of Ukraine's resistance to the aggressor and contribute to the recovery of the country after the war, in particular through institutional reforms and integration to European standards. The research methodology includes the analysis of the use of digital systems of management, intelligence, cyber security and their impact on the conduct of hostilities, as well as on the processes of post-conflict recovery of the country. It was emphasized that currently Ukraine's main focus is on confronting the aggressor, liberating its territories and finding ways to restore the economy both during the war and after victory, with an emphasis on the rapid reconstruction of the country. The task is not only to minimize damage and overcome the consequences of destruction, but also to lay the foundations for future economic growth. The foundation of this development includes institutional reforms in accordance with European standards, the integration of transport, energy and social infrastructure into the European market, the creation of a favorable investment environment for investors and technology providers, as well as the regeneration of cities using modern design and urban planning technologies. Also important is the development of transport systems and the restoration of social capital, which will contribute to the ability of citizens to take joint action to achieve common goals. The scientific novelty of the work consists in assessing the importance of IT in military affairs as an element of strategic defense and infrastructure development of Ukraine in wartime conditions. As a conclusion, it was said that information technologies have become a key factor in modern military affairs, in particular in Ukraine's resistance to Russian aggression. The implementation of digital control systems, intelligence and cyber security allows to significantly increase the effectiveness of combat operations. Although Ukraine has faced great challenges on this path, the active development of information technologies makes it possible to achieve significant success both on the battlefield and in the protection of national interests in cyberspace. The role of IT in modern Ukrainian military affairs will only grow, and in order to further increase the country's defense capabilities, it is necessary to develop technological capabilities and involve innovative approaches. The successful use of information technologies can become the decisive factor that will ensure Ukraine's victory in this conflict. The conclusions show that the introduction of information technologies significantly increases the effectiveness of warfare and contributes to the development of infrastructure and social capital, which are important for the future economic growth of the country. In order to further strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities, it is necessary to actively develop technological capabilities and involve innovative approaches. The implementation of IT in military affairs is a decisive factor for winning the conflict.
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