network traffic, big data, data analysis methods, clustering, collective solutions, ensemble modelsAbstract
The article provides an overview of existing research devoted to the analysis of company traffic using data clustering methods. Based on the analysis of scientific publications reviewed in this work, the importance of developing new cybernetic systems for traffic analysis in large organizations is emphasized. Such systems, first of all, should be aimed at optimizing routing, reducing costs and increasing delivery speed. The possibility of creating a similar cluster platform that provides distributed data processing and integration of various types of data storage is under consideration. For effective collection and storage of information, it is suggested to use such sources as server logs, data from traffic sensors, geolocation information and user movement routes, and depending on the specifics of the company's business processes, other data may be used. The purpose of the study is to systematize existing methods and approaches to the analysis of company traffic using various methods of data clustering, including collective (ensemble) solutions. The article uses the methodology of the analytical method of research, which includes a review of existing literature, analysis of previous works and systematization of knowledge in the field of traffic cluster analysis. Our research focuses on evaluating different approaches and technologies used to process big data. The scientific novelty consists in the consideration of ensemble clustering methods for network traffic analysis, which provide scalability, processing speed and flexibility of systems. The integration of various data sources is proposed to optimize business processes and decision-making, taking into account the modern challenges of Big Data. Conclusions. It was demonstrated that cluster solutions, including those based on collective (ensemble) algorithms, provide scalability, high processing speed, availability of data and services, as well as flexibility in the application of various tools and technologies. However, the implementation of such systems is associated with technical challenges that require deep knowledge in the field of Big Data, machine learning and cluster technologies, as well as significant costs for hardware, software and skilled professionals. Despite these difficulties, the application of collective cluster solutions for big data analysis can provide companies with significant competitive advantages by optimizing business processes, improving the quality of decision-making and increasing the overall efficiency of operations.
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