
  • Yevhen SKULYSH




the concept of humanitarian security, the concept of


The article considers conceptualization, which is one of the manifestations of a person's cognitive activity, which is aimed at making sense of the available information and leads to the formation of concepts, conceptual structures, and conceptual schemes in his creative imagination. The main goal of conceptualization is to obtain information about the level of organization of knowledge, as well as to determine a universal algorithm of possible methods of activity at the theoretical level. The concept of "human security" peaked in popularity in the early 90s of the last century, as a result of which the comprehensive Concept of Humanitarian Security was published in the Report of the United Nations Development Program (1994). The general concept of security in the document focuses on a specific person, in particular on: ensuring employment, availability of means of livelihood, health protection, safety of the natural environment. Among the latest publications, it is worth noting the results of the research of Olga Neimark, who proposes to understand under humanitarian security such a state of protection of national values, traditions, way of life, cultural and spiritual heritage of the people, physical and mental health of the nation, free self-identification of citizens, social groups and countries. The research revealed that the concept of humanitarian security will continue to be part of the broader debate on ensuring various aspects of secure development. It is supported by almost all global institutions, including the UN, EU and NATO. Although the general operationalization of the concept of humanitarian security still continues to rely on the priority provision of state interests, it confidently demonstrates the growing awareness that institutions and states can become a source of threats to human security. It can be argued that the concept of humanitarian security today represents a new angle of research into general security problems, with the help of which the most relevant direction of research is being formed at this time.


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How to Cite

СКУЛИШ, Є. (2023). EVOLUTION OF THE CONCEPT OF HUMANITARIAN SECURITY IN THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL DISCOURSE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (2 (62), 65-70. https://doi.org/10.32689/2522-4603.2022.2.10