
  • Dmytro MYNIUK
  • Iryna BASOVA




international legal framework in the field of environmental protection, the right to a safe environment for life and health, preservation of natural systems, international cooperation in the field of environmental protection


The article is devoted to the study of the international legal framework in the field of environmental protection and finding ways to improve national legislation. The purpose of this article is to study international cooperation in the field of environmental protection through the prism of international lawmaking, as well as to make suggestions for its improvement. Identification of international bodies and institutions whose powers include ensuring environmental protection. Elaboration of the main international legal acts in this field in general and international agreements to which Ukraine is a party. Clarification of the basic principles on which the national legal framework and environmental policy of the state should be built. The methodological basis of this article was, first of all, the comparative law method and methods of analysis and synthesis. Scientific novelty. The current legislation of Ukraine on environmental protection needs to be improved, in particular in terms of bringing its individual provisions to international standards. Improve the waste management system in accordance with the provisions of the European Union project "Waste Management and Regulation – European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument – East", to which Ukraine is a party. In conclusion, the analysis of the international legal framework on environmental protection shows that its provisions are enshrined in Ukrainian legislation in general based on the rules of international law. At the same time, it should be recognized that there are a number of problematic issues that need to be improved.


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How to Cite

МИНЮК, Д., & БАСОВА, І. (2022). МІЖНАРОДНЕ СПІВРОБІТНИЦТВО У СФЕРІ ОХОРОНИ НАВКОЛИШНЬОГО ПРИРОДНЬОГО СЕРЕДОВИЩА. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (1 (60), 31-35. https://doi.org/10.32689/2522-4603.2021.1.6