education, humanistic essence of the person, the concept of educational activity, projects of the decisions of problems, internal and external problems of vital activity of the state; minimization of corruption in public authorities, increasing the efficiency of economic management; judicial reform.Abstract
Education, from the standpoint of society, is the main means of developing the humanistic essence of man. This is the first. Secondly, society, the state provides social protection of the population from unemployment by providing educational services, increasing its competitiveness in the labor market. Third, society’s needs for productive power are being met. Of course, for education to become such a value, it is necessary to create in society sufficiently competitive conditions for the use of this force. Otherwise we will form social capital for other countries. The presence of these conditions is necessary to combat migration, loss of "labor", "brain drain". And another important aspect of the state and public value of education. It is (at least, should be) a source of innovative economic development, informatization of society. In order for education to become such, it is necessary not just to modernize and / or integrate it into the European, world educational space. New approaches are needed, the transition from the traditional approach to innovative education, which ensures the development of creative abilities, the focus on finding and using innovations both in the content of educational programs and in teaching aids. The purpose of the study, the results of which are presented in this article, is to develop (at the conceptual level) a model of quality management of education and science, the concept of their reform. The above concept can be interpreted as one of the conditions for solving the most important state problem – the progressive economic and technological backwardness of Ukraine in the field of innovation from highly developed countries. with all the consequences of economic and political nature. An equally important issue, the solution of which also depends on the efficiency, quality and transparency of higher education in Ukraine, is the problem of ensuring sustainable development. It is known that mankind will avoid a catastrophe by creating harmless to the biosphere nootechnologies. This is what the potential of education and science of Ukraine should be aimed at. The authors of the study, the results of which are presented in this article, developed both the concept of educational activities and draft solutions to the most important problems. These are internal and external problems of life of our state. To the internal, the most important, priority we include two problems: 1) minimization of corruption in public authorities, increasing the efficiency of economic management and 2) judicial reform. Both the citizens of the country and our foreign partners insist on solving these problems. The solution to these problems depends not only on the success of the country (the arrival of foreign investment, raising the living standards of the people), but also, frankly, its survival. As for external problems, the most important are: the return of the occupied territories, security, sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine. Approaches to the cardinal solution of internal and external problems offered by us are a number of subjects which could be taught within the directions of preparation of students of university of the future.
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