digital (electronic) evidence, electronic evidence, information technology, corruption criminal offences, forensic examination, the participation of a specialist in the investigation (search) activity, special knowledgeAbstract
During the investigation of corruption offenses, the most common are problems with electronic devices, which may contain electronic traces of such offenses. In addition, digital data that may be relevant as a evidence to criminal proceedings is stored on servers located abroad and built on cloud technologies on remote hosting or available to telecommunications companies. The aim of this article is to study the problematic issues of seizure and referral of electronic devices, which may contain electronic traces of corruption offenses, as well as the possibility of forensic examinations in the field of information technology as a form of special knowledge. The methodological basis of this article were methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as the results of a survey of investigative and forensic experts on problematic issues of appointment of forensic examinations in the field of information technology. The scientific novelty of this article is to generate new scientific knowledge and applied recommendations while preserving important classical doctrines on the technological approach to the study of digital (electronic) evidence, the peculiarities of their removal, taking into account the principles of preserving their integrity and immutability of electronic traces. appointment of forensic examinations in the field of information technology. Conclusions. The forms of using special knowledge in the investigation of corruption offenses, the peculiarities of collecting electronic evidence and a list of typical issues that can be addressed to the expert in conducting forensic examinations in the field of information technology are proposed in this article.
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