security police, information security, martial law, securityAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the place of the security police in the system of entities providing information security under martial law. The purpose of the work is to study the concept of "information security", the subjects of its provision, as well as the definition of the role of the security police as the subject of information security provision. The article examined various scientific definitions of the term "information security". The novelty of the research lies in the fact that there is currently no study of the participation of the security police in ensuring information security in Ukraine, especially in the conditions of martial law. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, thousands of Ukrainians have also felt the consequences of periodic massive cyber attacks on our country's information resources. It is extremely important to protect the data not only of each individual citizen, but also the protection of data, which is an integral element of national security. Given the limited scope of the research, we did not set as the goal of the research and proposals regarding our own understanding of information security. At the same time, according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Basics of National Security of Ukraine", information security can be recognized as a component of national security. Law enforcement agencies, in particular the security police, are an integral part of the state information security system, which have specific features of functioning in the information environment. Conclusions: the article proves that the main task of the security police is to provide services for the protection of the relevant objects. But at the same time, the Security Police is the owner and user of information that needs protection from outside interference, especially during martial law. At the same time, the legislation does not define the procedure for ensuring information security during the police's performance of its powers. But it is directly stated about ensuring the safety of a person when leaving the premises, ensuring the safety of a person during an attack, ensuring the safety of road traffic, ensuring the safety of participants and spectators and other security subjects and objects. We believe that the issue of ensuring information security in the security police should be resolved by law. After all, the security police is the user of a large amount of information and, accordingly, should be the subject of ensuring information security, especially during the operation of a special legal regime – martial law.
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