


police detective, institute of detectives, pre-trial investigation, criminal offense, operative, investigator


The article devoted to the problems of introducing the institute of police detectives in units of the National Police of Ukraine. This institute provides for the creation of a single unit of police detectives, which would combine the work of investigative bodies and operatives. Since the invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the burden on police units has increased significantly, in particular, in terms of investigating serious and especially grave crimes, which requires significant changes and improvements in the organization of pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses. The article is aimed at analyzing the current legislation of Ukraine, scientific research and law enforcement activities of police officers in this area. The article is aimed at developing and providing proposals and recommendations for legislative consolidation of the institute of police detectives in the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine. The article analyzes modern views of scientists on these issues, considers the experience of foreign countries, and also pays attention to ways of reforming the National Police and the formation of an institute of detectives in its structure. A number of amendments and additions to the national legislation of Ukraine have been proposed, in particular, to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Investigative Operations" and the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police". The results of a survey of future officers and practitioners of the National Police of Ukraine on the need to reform the criminal police and introduce the institute of detectives are presented. Thus, in particular, 62% of respondents were in favor of introducing this institution into police activities. It is noted that the creation of the institute of detectives in the system of the National Police of Ukraine will help reduce the burden on pre-trial investigation bodies, better and faster investigation of criminal offenses, preserve the secrecy of the investigation, reduce the level of corruption and internal bureaucracy in the system of the National Police of Ukraine. It is concluded that the final point in this issue could be put by the relevant draft law, which would result in the re-certification of investigators and operatives of the National Police of Ukraine into detectives, training of modern personnel in educational institutions in the direction (specialty) of "detective activity", as well as the transition to European standards and the rejection of the outdated Soviet system.


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How to Cite

ЛЕОНЕНКО, І. (2023). INSTITUTE OF DETECTIVES IN THE NATIONAL POLICE OF UKRAINE: CURRENT STATE, ADVANTAGES AND PROSPECTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (3(66), 5-9.