digitalization, digital transformation, institutional and legal mechanism, development of legislative acts, resourcesAbstract
The article examines the institutional and legal mechanism, which is a critical factor in the development of the digital economy in any country. It was determined that in modern Ukraine this mechanism includes the creation of legal norms, laws, strategies and programs aimed at supporting and regulating digital development. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the institutional and legal mechanism of state regulation of digital transformation of enterprises in Ukraine; consideration of resource provision of digital transformation, in particular in the context of the concepts "Industry 4.0", "Digital production", "Internet in industry" and "Open production"; consider the infrastructure of institutional and legal support for digital transformation in terms of components that contribute to the creation of an effective and dynamic digital ecosystem; to investigate the conjuncture of institutional and legal support for industrial transformation and the formation of a single digital space with the EU for the successful integration of Ukraine into European economic and technological processes. Scientific novelty. It has been proven that more and more experts are researching the topic of state regulation of digital transformation of enterprises in Ukraine. It is noted that the involvement of a responsible working body for the coordination of the digitization of the economy and the development of institutions for the development of the digital economy becomes expedient for the effective integration and development of digital technologies. This allows creating favorable conditions for innovation and providing the necessary support for startups and innovative enterprises. Methods and methodology. In the course of the research, such methods as analysis and synthesis, methods of historical and logical modeling were used. Theoretical approaches were also applied, in particular the method of formalization, the method "from abstract to concrete", as well as the method of economic interpretation. Results. In the proposed article, special attention is paid to the analysis of aspects of the practical application of the institutional and legal mechanism of state regulation of the digital transformation of enterprises in Ukraine. Conclusions. The institutional and legal mechanism is a key factor in promoting the development of the digital economy. The development and adoption of important legislative acts, such as the Law "On Digital Economy", as well as strategic digitalization programs, are of decisive importance in solving this task. Resource support includes financial, intellectual and human resources, and technical and technological resources, which are necessary for the successful implementation of digitization projects. Adequate resource provision is an important prerequisite for achieving success in this direction.
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