


fair justice, source base, basic principles, court decisions, theoretical and legal research, norms of the law, norms of morality


Each country must guarantee, at the legislative level, the basic principles of a fair trial. After all, human rights and freedoms should not be violated. They need special protection and guarantees. Who, if not the state, ensures everyone the legality of the decisions of judicial bodies and their compliance with national and international norms. Judicial proceedings must take into account the rules of morality in society. Because of Russia's armed aggression and its invasion of the territory of Ukraine, we often encounter violations of the general principles of justice. This urgent problem needs to be investigated and solved. Martial law should not affect the judicial process. Legislation should work in a way that does not violate human rights and regulate the work of courts, regardless of external factors and risks. The study of domestic theoretical-legal and international scientific literature is relevant for the analysis and research of the foundation of the administration of justice in our country. Purpose. The purpose of the article is the theoretical analysis of the source base and the identification of the main principles of justice in judicial proceedings. Materials and methods. The study materials are: legislative, international and national normative base and scientific achievements of scientists and their research. General scientific and special methods were used during the scientific analysis. A special place is given to the legal method. The method of analysis is applied when studying scientific literature. Comparison, structural-functional method and forecasting are also found. Results. As a result of the theoretical and legal analysis, the normative legal sources and works of scientists were analyzed, the scientific material was structured, the author's proposals were proposed, regarding the classification of the main principles of a fair trial and recommendations on the study of positive international experience and its application in Ukraine. Discussion. Legal and theoretical analysis and research of the scientific and legal source foundation, on issues of protection of the basic principles of fair justice, makes it possible to find out the main problems of the present and to investigate them in the future at the global level and to apply the author's proposals in practical activities.


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How to Cite

ГРЕКУ, А. (2023). PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE IN JUDICIARY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (3(66), 39-43.