


local self-government bodies, decentralization, powers, forms and methods of activity of local selfgovernment bodies, provision of administrative services, administrative procedures


The article applies a scientific and methodological approach to the analysis of the forms and methods of activity of local self-government bodies. It was determined that in modern Ukraine, the implementation and development of forms and methods of activity of local self-government bodies should take into account the best practices of decentralization in the EU countries, which followed a similar path to European integration as Ukraine. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the forms and methods of activities of local selfgovernment bodies in view of the processes of decentralization; identifying problematic areas of their implementation and substantiating effective methods of their improvement. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method, the application of which allowed to comprehensively reveal the nature of forms and methods of activity of local self-government bodies. Scientific novelty. It has been proven that the following forms of management activity of local self-government bodies should be distinguished: law-making activity related to the issuance of normative legal acts; law enforcement activities related to the issuance of non-normative (individual administrative) legal acts; conclusion of administrative contracts; implementation of public procurement; provision of administrative services; organizational and material and technical activities; implementation of internal administrative control over the activities of local self-government bodies and officials. Conclusions. It has been proven that the most effective way to ensure the legality of the administrative activities of local self-government bodies should be to grant the heads of local state administrations the right to suspend the effect of legal acts of local self-government bodies with a simultaneous appeal to administrative courts with lawsuits to declare them illegal, in addition, in order to ensure the openness of the bodies' activities of local self-government is proposed to introduce mandatory notifiable state registration of normative legal acts of local self-government bodies.


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How to Cite

БАСКО, А. (2023). FORMS AND METHODS OF ACTIVITY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT BODIES IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4(67), 5-11.