judicial process, judicial review of cases, court decisions, source base, procedural norms, theoretical and legal research, procedural codeAbstract
According to international and national legislation, every person has the right to the restoration of violated rights and freedoms, in a judicial procedure. Today, when the military invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine took place, the judicial system, in connection with the military actions, may work inefficiently. And the population, due to the tense situation, may ignore or not apply at all for the protection of their rights. If humanity knows the basics of legislation, of course, it will always look for ways to protect against illegal actions and will try to protect its legitimate human freedoms and legal norms. The topic is relevant and important today, because it is necessary for everyone to understand the stages of the court process. Who but the state can provide such guarantees. Procedural law in each individual case establishes the process of considering cases in court, but it is important to improve the legal awareness of the population regarding the possibility of legal protection of their rights, regardless of external and internal factors. It is important to analyze the national and foreign source base regarding the process of judicial proceedings. Purpose. The purpose of the article is a theoretical and legal analysis and study of the stages of the judicial process: consideration of the case in court. Materials and methods. The research materials are: theoretical and legal national and international scientific achievements. General scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge are used. The legal method plays an important role. The method of generalization, description, analysis, structural-functional method was used when familiarizing with the main literature. Comparison and forecasting are used, while improving the awareness of judicial proceedings in the future. Results. As a result of the scientific, theoretical and legal analysis, the source base was revealed, the scientific literature was summarized, the author’s actual proposals were made, regarding the improvement of the population’s awareness of the judicial protection of their violated rights in wartime conditions, and provisions were made on the study of positive foreign experience and implementation in practical activities in Ukraine. Discussion. Theoretical and legal analysis and study of the stages of the judicial process: consideration of the case in court, provides an opportunity to find out the current, key problems of our time and find ways to solve them globally and in the future to continue consideration of the author’s proposals at the scientific level and to implement them in practice.
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