


government, democracy, people's control, environmental rights, state, ecological control


The article examines the concept of people's control as a socio-political phenomenon which is important for the implementation of environmental rights in the State. The author characterises the works of domestic and foreign scholars on the emergence and development of people's control in the above-mentioned area. It is concluded that there are very few scientific works which would consider the concept of the importance of people's control as a separate legal institution, and one which plays a significant role in the implementation of environmental rights in the State. Therefore, it is necessary to study this issue in more depth, which is very relevant today, especially during martial law. The problem of people's control, the importance of which is indisputable for the realisation of environmental rights in the State, is one of the most complex, significant and fundamental issues in the theory of the State and law. Theoretical comprehension and development of practical recommendations for solving this problem is a prerequisite for effective scientific management of social processes. Scientific research on ensuring people's control concerns both the whole range of problems of its organisation and functioning, and the organisational and legal foundations of state building related to financial, logistical support, ecology, protection of citizens' rights, observance of law and order, ensuring public safety, etc. To varying degrees, the issues of citizens' control over the exercise of their rights, including environmental rights, are considered in scientific and educational literature in connection with the analysis of the problems of state-building. These issues are reflected not only in the works on administrative law and public administration, but also in those relating to general problems of the theory of state and law. However, despite their great importance and relevance, the problems of theory and practice of the importance of people's control in the exercise of environmental rights have not yet received sufficiently complete and thorough coverage in both foreign and domestic legal literature.


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How to Cite

ПРИШЛЯК, Г. (2023). PEOPLE’S CONTROL OVER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4(67), 46-49.