


citizenship, stateless person (a person without defined citizenship), statelessness, the UN Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons of 1954, the Convention on the Reduction of Citizenship of 1961, UNHCR, the Constitution of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the CCP


The main goal of the article is an attempt to extrapolate the main causes of statelessness based on the existing legal practice, to clarify the nature of this political and legal phenomenon. In addition to the above, the public and legal assessment of such a segment of the concept of citizenship as dual or multiple citizenship is analyzed. Scientists complement the legal nature of citizenship – as a product of favorable circumstances or a "goods" on the world market, the nature of which depends exclusively on economic (financial) factors, and the process of liberalization of access to citizenship as a legal status of a person is slowing down due to obvious limitations. Such know-how in constitutional law requires a thorough, meticulous study of the practice of liberalizing the application of the institution of citizenship, the formation of the newest, broader and more accessible opportunities for obtaining it. Currently, there is practically no legal assessment by specialists and the general public regarding the access of the oligarchy to the “Citizenship by Investment” Program, which provides opportunities thanks to huge personal infusions into the economies of countries (Cyprus, Malta, Ireland, Antigua and Barbuda, Bulgaria, the USA, Great Britain, Portugal, Hungary and many others), buy a "golden" passport of the country and automatically make the buyer a citizen of the state, where he can enjoy all civil rights. Despite this, the prevailing belief is that citizenship is a basic element of every state, and therefore it cannot be put a price tag on it. The reasons for terminating a person's citizenship, as a result of which a person may become stateless (a person without defined citizenship), omissions in the norms of the civil legislation of Ukraine, and legislative changes to the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Recognition of a Stateless Person" deserve special attention. The reasons for terminating a person's citizenship, as a result of which a person may become stateless (a person without defined citizenship), omissions in the norms of the civil legislation of Ukraine, and legislative changes to the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Recognition of a Stateless Person" deserve special attention.


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How to Cite

ФЛИС, І. (2023). STATELESSNESS IS A DARK PLACE IN INTERNATIONAL LAW. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4(67), 56-63.