


legal regulation, offenses, National Police of Ukraine, public order, legislation, protection of citizens’ rights


The article analyzes the legal regulation of the National Police of Ukraine in the context of response to offenses and events during martial law. In particular, the article examines the expansion of police powers during martial law, including the possibility of performing official duties in civilian clothes and the use of technical means to ensure security. The authors discuss the peculiarities of police activities during the curfew, pointing out the importance of monitoring citizens’ compliance with the established restrictions. Based on this analysis, the article concludes that a comprehensive approach to the legal regulation of police activities under martial law is needed to ensure effective public order and security of citizens. The article also examines the impact of martial law on police powers and procedures for their exercise. It discusses the possibility of involving police officers in public order and security measures, including patrolling and monitoring compliance with curfews. Based on the analysis of legislative acts and regulations, the article emphasizes the importance of a balanced approach to the performance of police tasks during martial law, taking into account the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The conclusions of this work are important for the practical activities of law enforcement agencies in crisis situations and contribute to the further development and improvement of the legal framework in the field of law and order and security. In addition, the article analyzes the capabilities of the police in the context of martial law, in particular, its role in maintaining public order and security during the curfew. It is noted that an analysis of the legislative provisions governing the activities of the police under martial law is important for ensuring the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies and protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. Recommendations are made to improve the effectiveness of police response to offenses. The results of the study may be useful for the practical application of legal norms in crisis situations and contribute to the further development of the law enforcement system in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

КОРНЯКОВА, Т. (2023). LEGAL REGULATION OF RESPONSE TO OFFENSES AND EVENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE NATIONAL POLICE OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (5(68), 31-35.