


temporarily occupied territory, military occupation, de-occupation, legal regime, armed conflict, martial law


The article analyzes the legal aspects of ensuring legal stability in the temporarily occupied territories. It is noted that this problem is becoming particularly relevant in the context of modern conflicts and geopolitical tensions. The article examines the challenges that arise in ensuring human rights and ensuring legal stability in the context of the temporary occupation of the territories, including violations of rights and freedoms, lack of control by official institutions, and insufficient mechanisms of compensation for damage. Possible ways to overcome these challenges are explored, in particular through the development of international cooperation, involvement of international organizations and the use of diplomatic efforts. It is noted that stability in the occupied territories is important for ensuring peace and security in the region, and solving this problem requires a comprehensive and systematic approach, taking into account international human rights norms and standards. The article also discusses the achievements of modern legal science and practice in the field of solving the problems of temporary occupation of territories, in particular, the ways to develop and implement effective mechanisms for ensuring legal stability. The author provides an overview of the works of leading scholars and practitioners in this area, including their contribution to the development of international law and the use of the judicial route to protect human rights. The general approach to solving the problem of legal stability in the occupied territories is relevant and important for further strengthening the international legal order and ensuring the protection of human rights in the conflict zone. The article also examines the basic principles of international humanitarian law relating to military occupation and human rights in the temporarily occupied territories. The author analyzes the current state of legislation and practice in this area, and identifies shortcomings and gaps that require attention and further research. In particular, the author examines the challenges associated with ineffective investigation of criminal offenses, human rights violations and non-compliance with international norms in the conflict zone. The author highlights the need to develop and implement new mechanisms for protecting human rights and ensuring legal stability in the occupied territories. The author analyzes possible ways to overcome these challenges by engaging the international community, supporting international organizations and developing cooperation with human rights organizations.


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How to Cite

СОКОЛЕНКО, О. (2023). LEGAL ASPECTS OF ENSURING LEGAL STABILITY IN THE TEMPORARILY OCCUPIED TERRITORIES: CHALLENGES AND WAYS TO OVERCOME. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (5(68), 58-64.