administrative proceedings, сonflict and non-conflict administrative proceedings, classification features of conflict proceedings, changes of non-conflict proceedings to conflict ones and their groundsAbstract
The article applies a scientific and methodological approach to the analysis of conflict proceedings in the administrative process. It was determined that conflict proceedings are common in administrative law and they are used quite often. In most cases, conflict proceedings arise as a result of a conflict between citizens and established norms and regulations. The goal of the work. The purpose of the article is to analyze certain aspects of conflict proceedings that are used in the administrative process. The question is considered that most of the conflict proceedings in the administrative process are not conflicts between subjects, but conflicts between subjects and established legal norms. Methodology. In the proposed article, special attention is paid to the analysis of actual conflict proceedings and their results in order to improve the existing methods of dividing administrative proceedings. These methods are based on a new approach to the definition of administrative proceedings and their classification Scientific novelty. It has been proven that the majority of administrative proceedings that arise as a result of violations by citizens of norms and rules established by law are conflictual. At the same time, individual administrative proceedings begin as non-conflictual, but due to various circumstances, they can turn into conflictive ones. It was established that the largest part of conflicting administrative proceedings is registered in the sphere of public order and public security. Conclusions. It is noted that the division of administrative proceedings into conflict and non-conflict will to a certain extent contribute to increasing the level of theoretical research in the field of administrative law and administrative process. In addition, highlighting the specified features of conflict proceedings can to some extent contribute to a clearer application of certain norms of administrative law in the prevention of conflicts.
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