


fight against corruption, prevention of corruption, forms of corruption, research methodology, scientific method


Under modern conditions research on the principles of prevention and fight against corruption in Ukraine should take into account the comprehensive goal of overcoming the relevant destructive phenomena in the social environment. At the same time such problem is the initial factor in the quality of practical application of methods corresponding to the subject of research in the totality of its manifestations in order to achieve actual results. So, until now, the practice of activity in this area is of a problematic nature, and the achievement of progress in the activities of special state authorities of Ukraine faces difficulties of a practical nature. In this regard, there is an obvious need to improve the research methodology, which should ensure both scientific and practically significant results. This article provides definitions of such terms as «the methodology of research» and «the principles of preventing and fighting of corruption». Some forms of the manifestation of corruption as an object of legal regulation have been elaborated in this research consideration it’s foundations. The complex nature of corruption as a phenomenon that affects various spheres of society's life has been established, as well as the need for a multi-scientific nature of further researches in the field under consideration, that should be reflected in the application of methodological techniques and methods of various sciences, although at the same time attention is focused on the need for generalized application of the results of researches considering various scientific approaches in order to obtain «idealized» principles of prevention and fight against corruption as a basic concept of the anti-corruption system. Also in this research author provided his definition of overcoming of corruption in its relationship with the concepts of prevention and fight against corruption. The concept of «poly scientific synthetic method» is also proposed in order to outline the appropriate complex approach when working out the properties of the researched phenomenon.


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How to Cite

ВЕКЛИЧ, В. (2024). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY OF THE PRINCIPLES OF PREVENTING AND FIGHTING OF CORRUPTION IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (2(70), 19-22.