His article is aimed to reveal the questions connected with the problems occurred in the fields of a practical applications of the norms of influence on the convict who serves his sentence being imprisoned not only have the defects of newly adopted legislation which existed no years ago revealed init, but also there are suggestions to change them with the aim of bunging conditionally executive legislation into the stream that has to be appropriate to the regulations of modern rules of the development of Ukrainian society based not only on European regulations but on the world’s community regulations as well. The author of the article bases his opinion not only on the analysis of modern penitentiary lawyers but also on his 50 year working practice at houses of correction (Today penitentiary establishments). The main emphasis is on the mistakes our legislative bodies have made in this question, on the problems of the practical activity of those departments which on responsible for the penalty to be put into execution which are connected with imprisonment and the main idea is publishing the accent on the questions motioned above and drawing of attention to our future, the our society the underage, those who didn’t keep the balance, didn’t resist before the existing norms in the society and commited crimes. This article can provoke resonance among lawyers both theorists and practical lawyers, that gives a certain hope to the author to consider his article to be studied and researched.
Конституція України: Прийнята на п’ятій сесії Верховної Ради України 28 червня 1996 р. // ВВР України. —1996. — № 30. — Ст. 141.
Кримінально-виконавчий кодекс України // ВВР України. — 2001. — № 25–26. — Ст. 131.
Кримінальний кодекс України // ВВР України. —2004. — № 3–4. — Ст. 21.
Правила внутрішнього розпорядку: Затв. Наказом Державного департаменту України з питань виконання покарань від 25 грудня 2003 р. № 275. — 30 с.
Хавронюк М. І. Довідник з Особливої частини Кримінального кодексу України. — К.: Істина,2004.