
  • І. В. Куценко


Under the contemporary terms of the development of Ukraine, great attention is paid to the organs of public authorities, because particularly these organs are to arrange an effective normative basis for the reformation of Ukrainian society in accordance with the values and principles common to all mankind.
Among the large quantity of legal acts, normative legal acts take a great part in the legislative system. The background of it is the fact that under the conditions of the legal state formation great importance is paid particularly to the legislation and normative legal act itself. In the theory of legislation, normative legal act is considered to be the legal document accepted by the subject of law implementation that contains the norms of law. In the theory of legislation, it is accepted to divide normative legal acts on the legislation and under legislative normative legal acts (after legal subordination).


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How to Cite

Куценко, І. В. (2024). НОРМАТИВНО-ПРАВОВІ АКТИ  ЯК ДЖЕРЕЛА ПРАВА. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (2(14), 190-192. Retrieved from http://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/law/article/view/3917