conversion rate, consumer trust, data protection, privacy, usability, marketing strategies, brand reputationAbstract
The article focuses on considering the strategy of increasing the conversion rate of enterprises through compliance with the privacy policy, since this aspect is important in the modern business environment. In the conditions of the growth of the amount of data and the intensive use of digital technologies, the issue of protecting personal information is a key factor for the majority of consumers. Compliance with privacy policies not only increases customer trust, but can also significantly influence their subsequent online purchase decisions. The article determines which factors shape consumers' perception of privacy policies and how they influence their willingness to make purchases. It has been shown that transparency in the use of personal data, as well as the presence of a clear and understandable privacy policy, significantly increases the level of trust in the brand. Consumers who feel the security of their own data are much more active in making purchases on the Internet, without fear that their personal data will be taken over by third parties. The focus of retailers on the correct management of sales sites is intended to attract more attention of consumers. A high conversion rate is the main indicator of the success of an online store, as it reflects the percentage of visitors who made a purchase. To achieve this, retailers implement intuitive navigation solutions and optimize site design. Ensuring that pages load quickly is an important aspect, as consumers can quickly lose interest in a site if it is slow. In addition, retailers actively use high-quality photos and detailed product descriptions to reduce consumer uncertainty and maximize consumer confidence. Including product reviews and ratings can also significantly increase brand trust and encourage new customers to purchase. Trust triggers, such as a return guarantee and security certificates, also play an important role in increasing conversions. Retailers must constantly analyze conversion data to identify weaknesses in business processes and adjust their strategies. Using modern analytical tools, they can determine which campaigns and marketing tactics have the most impact. In general, focusing on a high conversion rate helps retailers achieve sustainable growth and strengthen their market positions.
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