


terrorism, counter-terrorism, national system of counter-terrorism in Ukraine, territorial subsystem of the unified state system, Anti-Terrorist Centre at the Security Service of Ukraine


The article examines the legal norms of the structure of the territorial subsystem of the national system of counter-terrorism in Ukraine. The relevance of the chosen topic is closely related to the realities of the hybrid war of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine and the need to conduct anti-terrorist operations in the regions of Ukraine. After all, the powerful activities of the «terrorist state» throughout the territory of our country require the scientific community to develop proposals for countering terrorism based on current realities. This applies, first of all, to the activities of the territorial and functional subsystems of the unified state system of the national system of counter-terrorism, on which the life and safety of citizens, as well as the integrity and sovereignty of the country depend. However, the effectiveness of the national counter-terrorism system largely depends on a well-built system and structure of the body that ensures Ukraine's anti-terrorism security. Therefore, it is these approaches that need to be studied in order to develop a unified model for responding to and countering terrorism. The legal acts regulating the activities of the territorial subsystem of the national counterterrorism system require improvement in view of potential threats and bringing them in line with current challenges and threats. In this scientific article, the author conducts a study of the legal acts regulating the functioning of the said territorial subsystem, focuses on certain shortcomings and suggests ways to address them, namely, to consider the possibility of amending the legislation.


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How to Cite

КОЗЕНКО, О. (2024). ORGANISATIONAL AND LEGAL BASIS FOR OPTIMISING THE TERRITORIAL SUBSYSTEM OF THE NATIONAL COUNTER-TERRORISM. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (3(71), 23-28.