


human rights, right to life, meaning of the right to life


The article provides a general description of the human right to life through the prism of modern realities. It is indicated that human rights and freedoms are the most important component of the universal system of values of modern humanity, an asset of civilization in the legal and political spheres, a universally recognized criterion of social and national development at the present stage. It was established that the right to life is a basic human right, enshrined in both the main international documents in the field of human rights and national constitutions. It is noted that the relevance and importance of the human right to life, its implementation and protection are obvious, because without such a fundamental right, all other rights lose any meaning. It is indicated that the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine not only made certain adjustments to the implementation of human rights for protection, but also became at present practically the main source of violation of human and citizen rights and freedoms, as it causes material and moral damage to citizens on a daily basis, violating and destroying the usual lifestyle of Ukrainians. It was found that the protection of human rights and freedoms in the conditions of war guarantees everyone to choose one or another legal way to protect their violated rights. Human rights must be ensured by public authorities in order to ensure their realization by citizens.It was determined that the specifics of the state's obligations to protect the right to life in the conditions of military conflicts include: the issue of jurisdiction in the case of territory occupation; the list of obligations of the state during armed conflicts; the limits of the need to use force in legitimate military actions, in the conditions of the need to counter terrorist acts, the implementation of special operations; peculiarities of the investigation of facts of deprivation of life. It was concluded that the right to life should be understood as a fundamental, inalienable, absolute human right, which should be considered in two aspects: first, as a person's right to freedom from any illegal encroachments on life by the state, its representatives or private individuals; secondly, as a person's right to freely manage his own life.


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How to Cite

МЕЛЬНИЧЕНКО, Б., & ВОРОНЕЦЬКА, Ю. (2024). HUMAN RIGHT TO LIFE THROUGH THE PRISM OF MODERN REALITIES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4(72), 16-20.