


The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the lexical and semantic phenomena of the Ukrainian language — the terminology of jurisprudence. The main ways of origin of the phenomenon of paronymies are determined, different types of paronyms are revealed; the methods of distinguishing paronym definitions in the terminology of jurisprudence are analyzed. It was found that the phenomenon of paronymy is little-explored and relevant in the current linguistic. Paronyms in terminology have been the subject of scholars, but legal terminology has long gone unnoticed. Developments in linguistic studies contribute to the process of codification and ordering of terminological units of the Ukrainian language. Modern scientific research contributes to the understanding of the phenomenon of paronymy in terminology, to identify the characteristic features of paronyms, to show paronyms with other linguistic phenomena: antonyms, homonyms, synonyms, polysemy, and so on. In the linguistic literature there is no comprehensive coverage of the essence of paronyms. The scientists understand the interpretation of definitions and visions of the possibilities of such a group of vocabulary as paronyms differently, interpret lexical-semantic contacts in groups of consonant words. The lack of a comprehensive approach to the study of the phenomenon of paronymy is explained by the structural and functional heterogeneity of this phenomenon. It has been found that paronymy has common features in terminology and common vocabulary. Analyzing the lexical and semantic features of paronyms of Ukrainian legal terminology, it is possible to distinguish their types by the following features: the degree of convergence of sound design; the nature of semantic connections; way of creation.


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How to Cite

Оскирко, О. П. (2019). THE PHENОMENОS ОF PARОNYMY ІN UKRAІNІAN TERMІNОLОGY ОF GURІSPRUDENCE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (2 (58), 40-50.