The article deals with the principles of administrative and legal regulation of rule-making activity in Ukraine. The scientific approaches to the definition of principles of rule-making are analyzed. The description of the principles of administrative and legal regulation of rule-making activity in Ukraine is being carried out.
Public relations are governed by the rules of law, which are created, changed and terminated as a result of rule-making activities. Therefore, the principles on the basis of which the administrative and legal regulation of rule-making activities are carried out are very important. However, to date, there is no clear list of these principles in the legislation of Ukraine. That is, guiding ideas, principles of administrative and legal regulation of rule-making activities are contained in various legislative acts: the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, other regulations, etc. Also, among scholars there is no single view on the system of principles of administrative and legal regulation of rule-making activities.
The purpose of the article is a detailed analysis of the system of principles of administrative and legal regulation of rule-making activities.
Conclusions of the article. Given that rule-making activities are carried out by various state bodies, there are principles that are the basis of administrative and legal regulation of rule-making activities of these state bodies. After analyzing the scientific legal literature, we can conclude that the system of these principles includes the following principles:
1. The principle of the rule of law.
2. The principle of legality.
3. The principle of humanism.
4. The principle of democracy.
5. The principle of publicity.
6. The principle of responsibility.
7. The principle of priority of norms of international law over norms of national law.
8. The principle of scientificity.
9. The principle of professionalism.
10. The principle of systematization.
11. The principle of planning.
12. The principle of application of legal techniques.
13. The principle of connection with practice.
14. The principle of timeliness.
15. The principle of using legal experience.
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