Article 6 of the Constitution of Ukraine provides that state power in Ukraine is exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial. The only legislative body in Ukraine is the Parliament — the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. If we consider the powers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Article 85 of the Constitution of Ukraine), it should be noted that each of the powers is closely connected with law-making. Since the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopts laws, regulations and other acts, the exercise of powers of the legislative body ends with the adoption of a law, resolution or decision.
Therefore, it is logical and actual to study the issue of lawmaking of the legislative body, which is directly related to the protection and protection of the rights and freedoms of each citizen. On the basis of the complex analysis of theoretical knowledge, author’s definition of the law-making of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is given, its features are determined, the stage of the legislative process of the legislative body is proposed. The scientific article describes the legal nature of the acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and gives them a detailed description. It is noted that the legislative activity of the legislative body consists in the adoption of laws, regulations, decisions, and other acts. Examples of legislative acts adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which are the direct legislative activity of the legislative body, are named. The stages of the law-making process are proposed during the adoption of laws. The scientific proposal concerning the necessity of the profession of the drafters is supported. The definition and the features of the lawmaking of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are given. The law-making of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is a form of activity of the legislative body, which is connected with the creation of legal acts, as a result of which legal norms arise, change or cancel.
The main features of lawmaking of the legislative body are named: the final result of law-making is the adoption of laws, resolutions, decisions, and other acts; the legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada are adopted in compliance with the procedure established by law; the creation of legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine requires special knowledge, which is related to the proposal for the creation of a special profession of "draft law". It is concluded that the lawmaking of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is closely connected with the protection of the rights of every citizen.
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