Modern society has flooded with various electronic means that are created and developed to improve human life. The use of electronic data at the business level can not only facilitate cooperation between the parties to the contractual relationship, and in case of any dispute, it complicates the procedure of proving certain factual circumstances. With the development of information technology in judicial practice, spores are increasingly encountered with the use of electronic data as a means of proof. This is due to the fact that normative regulation in the field of evidence in the economic process does not correspond to the realities of life and unjustifiably hinders their development. The process of evidence in economic justice has been and remains an urgent topic for research and analysis. However, the study of this institute is devoted to a small number of scientific studies. During the trial, the court must comprehensively, fully and directly examine the evidence available in the case, including and electronic evidence. An essential condition for the use of electronic documents as complete and reliable evidence, it is necessary to adhere to standard techniques and methods for the collection, presentation and use of electronic evidence.
The article analyzes the legal institute of electronic evidence and establishes the problem of the application of electronic evidence in the economic process.
The admissibility and validity of electronic evidence means should be interpreted in the context of the impossibility of directly familiarizing them with their content without the use of technical means. Therefore, there is a need to establish rules for the collection, submission and testing of electronic evidence. It should be noted that due to the ease of making changes to the electronic means of proof, special significance also requires an assessment of the authenticity of evidence in electronic form in the framework of identification and authentication procedures, that is, the need to establish the authorship of the message and its immutability.
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